Zen Space 225 Mt Glorious Rd, Samford, QLD, Australia

Level I Teacher Training Course 2019/2020 The 350 hour Brisbane Yoga teacher training course will commence on 21-22 September 2019 and contacts hours conclude in July 2020, and an extra month of mentorship is provided to assist you with ideas relating to the setting up of a business. The Course includes 9 weekends [...]


What to Do When Your Students Can’t – a Workshop for Yoga Teachers

Zen Space 225 Mount Glorious Road, Samford Valley, QLD, Australia

Especially for Yoga Teachers - come along and explore the challenges yoga teachers face when students can't access the asana you're teaching. Using a dialogic approach Camille and Wen will guide you on the energetics of asana, how to 'read' your student's bodies to understand their needs and challenges, and how to [...]


Zen Space Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Immersive 2022

Zen Space 225 Mt Glorious Rd, Samford, QLD, Australia

This 350 hour Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Intensive course will commence on Saturday 26th February 2022 and finish in November 2022. Consisting of 9 weekends (1 weekend per month between February and November 2022) plus a 5-day retreat, this Yoga Australia approved training will take you on a journey of self discovery and [...]
